Doc. dr Milan Ubavić


Milan Ubavic, M.D., Ph.Sc.

Date of birth:  8/9/1960

Place of birth: Becej, Vojvodina, Yugoslavia


1967-1975 Elementary School in Novi Sad

1975-1979 School for Medical Professionals, graduated cum laude

1979-1985 School of Medicine, University of Novi Sad (average grade 8.93 of 10.00)

1985-1987 Postgraduate studies of Clinical pharmacology, School of Medicine, UNS, Methodology of clinical testing of drugs

1987 Postgraduate education at the Institute for Nuclear Medicine, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade

1988 Postgraduate education at the Institute for Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca (Basic course for manipulation with sources of nuclear radiation)


1985 M.D., Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad

1990 M.Sc., University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

Thesis: Methodology of clinical testing of drugs in cases of irritable colon

1992 Specialist in Pathological Physiology and Laboratory Diagnostics

2003 Ph.Sc. University of Novi Sad, SCG

Thesis: Patofiziološke promene funkcije bubrega i jetre u stanjima povećanih koncentracija prirodnih i sintetskih žučnih kiselina

2013 Assistant professor of physiology with patophysiology on Europian University, Farmaceutical faculty in Novi Sad


1987-1992 Research assistant at the Department for Pathological Physiology and Laboratory Diagnostics, field of Nuclear Nephrology and Gastroenetrology, University of Novi Sad School of Medicine

1992-1996 Junior assistant

1994 Laboratory manager in the first private medical laboratory MEDLAB, in Novi Sad

1996-2000 Teaching assistant on Medical faculty in Novi Sad,

2000-2002 Teaching assistant on Medical faculty in Novi Sad,

2002- General laboratory manager in MEDLAB GROUP: Medical center Novi Sad, Medical laboratory Novi Sad (4) and 8 in Vojvodina region

2013- Teaching on Europian University, Farmaceutical faculty in Novi Sad

2018- Teaching on ICEPS faculty in Belgrade and Novi Sad


1987-1994 Participant in two scientific projects realized at the Department for Pathological Physiology and Laboratory Diagnostics, University of Novi Sad School of Medicine, granted from Ministry for Science of Republic of Serbia

1998-2020 Co-operator in book: Stanulović M. “Drugs in the market” Ortomedics.

2000 Participant in scientific project Development of new renal radipharmaceuticals for investigation of EBPP, which is a part of a project Investigation and Development of radipharmaceuticals and other agenses for use in medicine, to be realized at the Institute for Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca.

Autor and co-autor in 90 professional and scientific papaers.


Proprietor of Vinum, a private company that produces various types of wine.


– ESHRE Andrology part

– Division of Laboratory Medicine of Serbian Medical Association – Medical Association of Vojvodina (SMA-MAV)

– Association of Medical Biochemists of Vojvodina and Serbia


Serbian, Croatian, English (I am able to speak and comprehend English at advanced level)